


Backward masking reveals coarse-to-fine dynamics in human V1
Jolien P. Schuurmans, Matthew A. Bennett, Kirsten Petras, Valérie Goffaux
NeuroImage   ·   01 Jul 2023
Radial bias in face identification
Alexia Roux-Sibilon, Carole Peyrin, John A. Greenwood, Valérie Goffaux
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences   ·   28 Jun 2023
Contributions of low- and high-level contextual mechanisms to human face perception
Mehmet Umut Canoluk, Pieter Moors, Valerie Goffaux
PLOS ONE   ·   02 May 2023


Natural Contrast Statistics Facilitate Human Face Categorization
Joan Liu-Shuang, Yu-Fang Yang, Bruno Rossion, Valérie Goffaux
eneuro   ·   01 Sep 2022
More Real Than Real: A Study on Human Visual Perception of Synthetic Faces [Applications Corner]
Federica Lago, Cecilia Pasquini, Rainer Bohme, Helene Dumont, Valerie Goffaux, Giulia Boato
IEEE Signal Processing Magazine   ·   01 Jan 2022


Information redundancy across spatial scales modulates early visual cortical processing
Kirsten Petras, Sanne ten Oever, Sarang S. Dalal, Valerie Goffaux
NeuroImage   ·   01 Dec 2021
Coarse-to-Fine(r) Automatic Familiar Face Recognition in the Human Brain
Xiaoqian Yan, Valérie Goffaux, Bruno Rossion
Cerebral Cortex   ·   09 Sep 2021


Contrast versus identity encoding in the face image follow distinct orientation selectivity profiles
Christianne Jacobs, Kirsten Petras, Pieter Moors, Valerie Goffaux
PLOS ONE   ·   18 Mar 2020


Coarse-to-fine information integration in human vision
Kirsten Petras, Sanne ten Oever, Christianne Jacobs, Valerie Goffaux
NeuroImage   ·   01 Feb 2019


From coarse to fine: Interactive feature processing precedes local feature analysis in human face perception
Judith C. Peters, Rainer Goebel, Valerie Goffaux
Biological Psychology   ·   01 Oct 2018
Crowding for faces is determined by visual (not holistic) similarity: Evidence from judgements of eye position
Alexandra V. Kalpadakis-Smith, Valérie Goffaux, John A. Greenwood
Scientific Reports   ·   22 Aug 2018
Ultra-coarse, single-glance human face detection in a dynamic visual stream
Genevieve L. Quek, Joan Liu-Shuang, Valérie Goffaux, Bruno Rossion
NeuroImage   ·   01 Aug 2018


The orientation selectivity of face identification
Valerie Goffaux, John A. Greenwood
Scientific Reports   ·   28 Sep 2016
The impact of orientation filtering on face-selective neurons in monkey inferior temporal cortex
Jessica Taubert, Valerie Goffaux, Goedele Van Belle, Wim Vanduffel, Rufin Vogels
Scientific Reports   ·   16 Feb 2016
Three‐month‐old infants’ sensitivity to horizontal information within faces
Adélaïde de Heering, Valérie Goffaux, Nicolas Dollion, Ornella Godard, Karine Durand, Jean‐Yves Baudouin
Developmental Psychobiology   ·   09 Feb 2016
Inhibition of return and attentional facilitation: Numbers can be counted in, letters tell a different story
Danielle Hoffmann, Valérie Goffaux, Anne-Marie Schuller, Christine Schiltz
Acta Psychologica   ·   01 Jan 2016
Horizontal tuning for faces originates in high-level Fusiform Face Area
Valerie Goffaux, Felix Duecker, Lars Hausfeld, Christine Schiltz, Rainer Goebel
Neuropsychologia   ·   01 Jan 2016


Selectivity of Face Perception to Horizontal Information over Lifespan (from 6 to 74 Year Old)
Valérie Goffaux, Aude Poncin, Christine Schiltz
PLOS ONE   ·   23 Sep 2015


Shifts of spatial attention cued by irrelevant numbers: Electrophysiological evidence from a target discrimination task
Anne-Marie Schuller, Danielle Hoffmann, Valérie Goffaux, Christine Schiltz
Journal of Cognitive Psychology   ·   12 Aug 2014
Face perception is tuned to horizontal orientation in the N170 time window
Corentin Jacques, Christine Schiltz, Valérie Goffaux
Journal of Vision   ·   07 Feb 2014


Local Discriminability Determines the Strength of Holistic Processing for Faces in the Fusiform Face Area
Valerie Goffaux, Christine Schiltz, Marieke Mur, Rainer Goebel
Frontiers in Psychology   ·   01 Jan 2013


Attentional shifts induced by uninformative number symbols modulate neural activity in human occipital cortex
Valérie Goffaux, Romain Martin, Giulia Dormal, Rainer Goebel, Christine Schiltz
Neuropsychologia   ·   01 Dec 2012


The horizontal tuning of face perception relies on the processing of intermediate and high spatial frequencies
Valérie Goffaux, Jaap van Zon, Christine Schiltz
Journal of Vision   ·   06 Sep 2011


Characterizing the Spatio-temporal Dynamics of the Neural Events Occurring prior to and up to Overt Recognition of Famous Faces
Boutheina Jemel, Anne-Marie Schuller, Valérie Goffaux
Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience   ·   01 Oct 2010
From Coarse to Fine? Spatial and Temporal Dynamics of Cortical Face Processing
Valérie Goffaux, Judith Peters, Christine Schiltz, Julie Haubrechts, Bernadette Jansma, Rainer Goebel
Cerebral Cortex   ·   24 Jun 2010
Horizontal information drives the behavioral signatures of face processing
Valérie Goffaux
Frontiers in Psychology   ·   01 Jan 2010


Is the early modulation of brain activity by fearful facial expressions primarily mediated by coarse low spatial frequency information?
Petra H. J. M. Vlamings, Valérie Goffaux, Chantal Kemner
Journal of Vision   ·   14 May 2009
Face inversion disrupts the perception of vertical relations between features in the right human occipito‐temporal cortex
Valerie Goffaux, Bruno Rossion, Bettina Sorger, Christine Schiltz, Rainer Goebel
Journal of Neuropsychology   ·   01 Mar 2009


Newborns’ face recognition is based on spatial frequencies below 0.5 cycles per degree
Adélaïde de Heering, Chiara Turati, Bruno Rossion, Hermann Bulf, Valérie Goffaux, Francesca Simion
Cognition   ·   01 Jan 2008


Long-term Expertise with Artificial Objects Increases Visual Competition with Early Face Categorization Processes
Bruno Rossion, Daniel Collins, Valérie Goffaux, Tim Curran
Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience   ·   01 Mar 2007
Face inversion disproportionately impairs the perception of vertical but not horizontal relations between features.
Valérie Goffaux, Bruno Rossion
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance   ·   01 Jan 2007


Faces are "spatial"--holistic face perception is supported by low spatial frequencies.
Valérie Goffaux, Bruno Rossion
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance   ·   01 Jan 2006


Diagnostic colours contribute to the early stages of scene categorization: Behavioural and neurophysiological evidence
Valérie Goffaux, Corentin Jacques, André Mouraux, Aude Oliva, Philippe Schyns, Bruno Rossion
Visual Cognition   ·   01 Aug 2005
The Respective Role of Low and High Spatial Frequencies in Supporting Configural and Featural Processing of Faces
Valérie Goffaux, Barbara Hault, Caroline Michel, Quoc C Vuong, Bruno Rossion
Perception   ·   01 Jan 2005


Human non-phase-locked gamma oscillations in experience-based perception of visual scenes
Valérie Goffaux, André Mouraux, Sandra Desmet, Bruno Rossion
Neuroscience Letters   ·   01 Jan 2004


Stepwise emergence of the face-sensitive N170 event-related potential component.
Boutheina Jemel, Anne-Marie Schuller, Yasémine Cheref-Khan, Valérie Goffaux, Marc Crommelinck, Raymond Bruyer
Neuroreport   ·   14 Nov 2003
Spatial scale contribution to early visual differences between face and object processing
Valérie Goffaux, Isabel Gauthier, Bruno Rossion
Cognitive Brain Research   ·   01 May 2003
ERP evidence for task modulations on face perceptual processing at different spatial scales
V. Goffaux, B. Jemel, C. Jacques, B. Rossion, P.G. Schyns
Cognitive Science   ·   01 Mar 2003


Expertise Training with Novel Objects Leads to Left-Lateralized Facelike Electrophysiological Responses
B. Rossion, I. Gauthier, V. Goffaux, M.J. Tarr, M. Crommelinck
Psychological Science   ·   01 May 2002